Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Got a Job! I Got a Job! I Got a Job!

It's harder than usual for you to understand your mate or kids -- but there's no real, deep-seated problems to worry about! Try to get your people to open up a bit more, but have patience.

Hmm...not quite on target.
I have neither mate nor children.
Thus, I am disregarding said horoscope for today.

In way better news I started my first, real, full time job yesterday!
I am working as a Transplant Coordinator.
I will be harvesting tissue for cornea transplants.
Or as my sister fondly refers to me now,
I am an eye farmer in training.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Charged Up, Like an E-bunny

You feel charged up and ready to go! No matter what's on your plate today, you should find that you've got exactly the right kind of energy to handle it and have a good time while you're at it.

My personal pep squad today.

Yup, that is how I feel today.
Sort of.
With the exception of my pending weigh-in.
Which needs to be rescheduled due to work.
Which may or may not have me walking out to a water logged portable.

Um, ok.
I was a bit surprised to see this as my horoscope,
but I will be doing my best to live up to the fates.

Today's list:
9am-reschedule weigh in
11:20- Substituting, half day for a history class
4:30- Study group/ bitch session with the girls!
7- ZUMBA!!!!!! OK, that I'm charged for!

So actually, maybe it is a better day than I planned.

These are the results from Google Image search for "charged up."

many many many nail polish images in this search...clearly we ladies need the good nail juice to get charged up

I'm not going to be able to get this green, mutant, carcinogen filled ps2 cover out of my head today.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

DJ Jewel

by David Girabaldi...my calendar artist for the year and a new favorite! Check him out!

Well its been a while!
Here are the updates:

Still working on my Master's in Science Education

Still substituting.
Though right now it's a long term job for a prenant lady that ends in May :(

Invited to the county's Teacher Interview Day in June.
I am prepping for that now!

Started a new diet,
it's a variation of the zone
I've lost 20 pounds so far
and I feel much better!
I need to get on an exercise routine soon.

I haven't painted anything since around October,
and I'm itching to paint now.

Some friends are coming next week for Spring Break,
and I'm so excited.
I still don't really have a life in Tampa,
but I'm working on it!

I promise to post more frequently
because I hate un-updated blogs!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Gah...so tired of work!

Oh man,
I've been such a good student.
I worked all Saturday and Sunday and today.
I'm tired and I still have two paper assignments,
and sub training starts tomorrow!

Excited to have a life again,
starting to feel my stress level rising,
but so far everything is still clear.
I realize how fuzzy my head was the last two years at Tulane.
I seem to learn everything simply,
Things just organize themselves in my head.

For example,
this weekend before I met my partner
to discuss our Inquiry Lesson on cellular respiration
I reviewed cellular respiration.
I knew it all.
i knew all the details.
Learned it in five minutes!!!!!
I mean I nearly failed biochemistry and here I am memorizing this in five minutes and thinking its easy!

Ah, life in reflection.
How frustrating!

Went to the car dealership today
and they replaced my tag that they screwed up.
I felt like such a grown up.
The car guy was pretty cute,
he's a young guy,
a bit dopey actually,
but very sweet.
I need to learn how to make friends with random people.
New Rule.

Ok, I shall stop procrastinating.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So Here is Where I Stand

So, here's where I stand.
1. James bond Party tomorrow
- Vicki's sweet 16, I'm excited...mocktails, poker, assassin, formal wear and photos...it should be a pretty awesome house party! That is IF I can pull this off by tomorrow. I have been so swamped this week I haven't had a chance to do anything. In addition to basic party stuff like food, cake, drinks I'm also making "missions" for the kids to accomplish, and I need to come up with prizes. Also decorating! We have a casino area, bar area, living room with movies and sexy lady silhouettes and a mini photo studio!!! phew! Tomorrow is going to be a loong day!

2.Way too many assignments
- For my Teaching Biology course we have to come up with Inquiry based lessons...so I'm meeting with my classmate Sunday. Trying to figure out a simple way to explain cellular respiration. HA!
Just a recap for those who forgot about this lovely nonesense from bio.

- For the same course I have a presentation this week on an important scientist. Naturally I chose Stanley Prusiner, a prion researcher. I think prions are so fascinating, but I made this 10 times more difficult for myself by choosing an obscure topic that I have to explain.
-And my Teaching and Management Philosophy is also due next week. Luckily I did about half, but that still leaves me with some work to do!
- AND another random assignment for my adolescent learner course...gahh!!!
Everything is going so fast.

3. Substitute Training
- Yea, that's three days next week! Can't wait for 3 days of work, without pay when I'm swamped by assignments! Though now I'll be able to work. I am sure I can handle it all. I've done way more in the past. It's just I'm so relaxed now. Without going into details its like my body has recovered. I'm in tune with the moon so to speak (ladies get my drift). I sort of don't recognize my face without bags and I'm definitely getting to know myself better. Hopefully I can maintain what I've learned on sabatical.

4. Tutoring
-Took on a tutoring client. She's very sweet, I meet her twice a week, but I recently found out she may not be as forthcoming about her grades and problem areas as I initially thought. I'm almost wishing I hadn't taken her as a client. Especially this week, I'm feeling swamped.

5. Dating
- Not quite as busy like when I was seeing 3 guys at the same time this summer, but seeing someone. Don't know what I'm thinking. It's completely impractical. I know I don't have time for it this week. This is always my problem. No time, always thinking of whether it will work long term (which I know this wouldn't). I'm trying to break my own patterns, at least for fun's sake. I just don't know, don't know, don't know.

This is what I got when I googled fun...how silly!

But yea, so that's what's going on,
and I feel better.
Time to partaaayy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's official...I'm a dork.
I am a 22 year old,
who loves young adult fiction!

Harry Potter was masked since I started
reading it as a 13 year old.
However,the Twilight series
is a different story.

I started reading it while hanging out at Borders.
Since I will start substituting in two weeks,
my unemployment time is numbered.
Thank god!
SO I finally decided to relax and enjoy myself.
Hence, cuaght up in a teen vampire romance.

I am now officially a fan.
I have read the first 3 books,
Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse.
There is a 4th book out,
and then I will be waiting
till the next book party!

In the meantime,
I found out there is a movie version of Twilight coming out.
I can't wait!!!!!!!
Here is the official trailer,
and I am so excited!

The book features a dreamy vampire named Edward Cullen.
The heroine, Bella isn't too bad either,
but the guy in the movie gives me shivers.
I can't wait!

Now I just need to find someone who will indulge my obsession for young adult fiction and go to the movies with me!

Just for fun...some sezzzy pics ;)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wishing I was at a bar right now...

OH! I miss New Orleans.
Not so much the city,
but the life I lead there.
I miss my friends, events, intellectual discussions.
At times in school I was a bit dissatisfied by
my seemingly low social life.
I find it is even worse at home.
I desperately want friends.

Not in a I'm lonely going to kill myself way,
but in a need for physical companionship.
I love the friends I made,
and I am so thankful for the internet and IMs.
But we all need human interaction.
To see the familiar faces walking around campus.
To be able to knock on someone's dorm room door
just to hang out.

I miss not having those relationships anymore.
Just like when I was in New Orleans I missed my familial relations.
It is nice to be home and get to know my family again.
My 15 year old sister is amazing.
She reminds me so much of myself at that age,
but she is brash and social and so many things I have always been envious of others about.
I really adore her some days.

Debate tonight!
Hence the desire to be at a bar.
This could be such a fun night with friends!
I learned at Tulane that politics can be fun.
In the right context it shouldn't be nasty or an off the table topic.
At home I can't speak about politics without my dad losing his cookies.
I am so desperate for normal conversation!

Mas despues!